Today we headed to Bukit Batok Secondary to conduct our Digital Arts For All (DAFA) session. Every month selected students get to choose a programme to attend and learn from. Almost all were unfamiliar with using the iPad, Apple Pencil and Procreate app. Still, they were engaged in figuring out the tools after our coaching. They tried their best to draw, even though some admitted they weren't doing well in Art.
But the core of DAFA was for the students to truly comprehend the meaning of being safe, smart and kind online. Even those sure of their grasp of the various forms of media literacy were surprised by their results during the quiz, especially with their grasp of fake news.
There are serious dangers that come with our overuse of technology, which include hacked social media accounts, dangerous trending challenges, fake news and cyberbullying. Unless we are directly affected by them, we don’t realise how awful they can be.
But that shouldn’t deter us from using it once we receive the right education.
That is precisely why our DFG Youth Competition design brief this year is the Better Internet Campaign, which is all about creating a safer and better internet for everyone. We are open for submissions and close on June 15.
Schools that wish to enter will get a complimentary 2-hour Digital Arts and Cyberwellness Workshop for your students.
“At this digital arts workshop, there are no crayons and paper. Instead, participants create drawings on iPads, and also pick up media literacy skills along the way.” - Read more at TODAY ONLINE